Mettius Fufetius,
the Latin King of Alba
Longa, claims that the Romans of Tullus Hostilius (672-640 BC),
the Latin King of
© John
S. Romanides
This is an outline
of early Roman history which evolved into that of the
a) The Greek-speaking Pelasgians,
Arcadians, Lacedaemonians and Trojans who constituted
the Roman Nation. The Italici who revolted 91 BC
demanding the Roman name but were given instead the Latin name in 85 BC [5]
and the Roman name in 212 AD.
b) The First Roman Historians wrote
in Greek, not in Latin. Why?
c) The first Roman Historians who wrote in Latin.
d) More linguistic indications
of the background of the Greek-speaking Latins,
Romans and Sabines.
During the 7th century BC the Greek Latins of
f) The
g) The
h) How plans for a Roman
Revolution became Hellenic.
i) In any case the joke is on the liars.
j) Francia plus
k) The cure of fantasies is the
sine quo non of such
a social reality.
a) The Greek-speaking Pelasgians,
Arcadians, Lacedaemonians and Trojans who constituted
the Roman Nation. The Italici who revolted 91 BC
demanding the Roman name but were given instead the Latin name in 85 BC
and the Roman name in 212 AD.
1. We use
the name Greek-speaking peoples for those who made up the world of ancient
Greek cultures and dialects and we call them Greeks as a group. Among the
latter was not only that of Rome, but also whose Latin language was still a
recognizable Greek dialect in the time of
Augustus Caesar (27 BC-14 AD). Indeed at a latter time the rhetorician Quintilian
(c. AD 35-95) regards the "Aeolic" Greek
dialect as the closest to Latin.[7] This fact
had been borne out earlier also in the time of Augustus Caesar by the Greek
historian of "Roman Antiquities," Dionysius of
2. As we shall see, the primitive Greek Latins,
whose capital was of Alba Longa, were conquered by
the Romans and absorbed into the Roman nation. Then in 85 BC the Romans gave
the Latin name to those Italian tribes who had been allied to
3. This name
Latin had originally belonged to a new Greek-speaking tribe which came into existence South
of the
4. The very existence
of these four primitive Greek-speaking tribes who united and branched off into
Albanians and Romans, has been completely abolished by historians who continue
to support Charlemagne's Lie of 794 which inaugurated the historical dogma that
the Roman language was and is non Greek Latin. This has remained so in spite of
the Roman sources which describe Greek as the first language of the Latins from whom the Romans derived. It seems that
Charlemagne's Lie of 794 was based on hearsay and the need to cut off West
Romans enslaved to the Franco-Latins from the free
East Romans. Frankish Emperor Louis II (855-875) clearly supports Charlemagne's
Lie of 794 with the following words: In 871 he writes to Emperor of the Romans
Basil I (867-885) that "…we have received the government of the
5. A summary of a
modern sophisticated version of Charlemagne’s Lie is supposedly based on the finds of
modern archaeology according to which we do not know the origin of the Romans
evidently because they had forgotten who their ancestors were. In a subchapter «2. The Early History of
6. Let us contrast this
claim with Roman historical reality and the process by which
7. Some of the Danubian Celts entered
8. The
Punic Wars under the leadership of Hamilcar and
especially of Hannibal, became the biggest threat to
9. It is to be noted
that it was the Greek Romans of
The First Roman Historians wrote in Greek, not in Latin. Why?
10. The first four
Roman annalists who wrote in Greek were Quintus Fabius
Pictor, Lucius Cincius Alimentus, Gaius Acilius and Aulus Postumius Albinus.
11. As
we will see, the first text in primitive Latin was the Code of the Twelve
Tables promulgated in 450 BC solely for the plebs. The Greek gentis abided by their own secret laws which they memorized
from childhood. This is why the tradition of Roman public laws in Latin
resulted from the cooperation between the consuls of the gentis
and the tribunes of the plebs. In time so many of the plebs
had become fluent in Greek that they became part of the administration of the
Greek speaking provinces.
The First Roman Historians who wrote in Latin.
12. According
to Cicero one of the first Romans who wrote in Latin prose was the Sabine
Claudius, Appius Caecus who
was consul in 307 and 296 BC. He delivered a speech in Latin to the Senate
against making peace with Pyrrhus, the king of
13. The first Roman
historians who wrote in Latin were Porcius Cato
(234-140 BC) and Lucius Cassius Hemina
(circa 146 BC).
14. So what language were the
Romans speaking and writing before this except Greek?
15. All the above agree
with each other on the general outline of Roman beginnings. The reason for this
is that they based themselves on the official Roman "sacred tablets"
(hierais deltois)[17] which the
first historians simply repeated. In other words they were themselves
annalists. However, nothing is preserved from these tablets/annals except as
repeated in the Roman historians. But, not much of their works has survived, or
else may be hidden to facilitate Charlemagne's Lie.
16. From Cato the
Gallo-Roman French revolutionaries of 1789 realized that the Romans and Greeks
were the same people. Indeed one group of French revolutionaries were called the "Catonistes à
la Robespierres." Now the overwhelming majority
of Gallo-Romans were re-gaining control of the land occupied for so many
centuries by a tyrannical Frankish minority of only 2% of the population.[18] The enthusiasm for Greco-Roman antiquity and hatred for a Papal
Christianity used by the Frankish conqueror to completely debase 85% of the
population led even to making natural religion supreme over supernatural
religion. In spite of Cato's role in the French Revolution only
fragments of his work are publicly known. But since Dionysius of
17. Only a short, but
accurate summary account of the foundation annals are
reported in Livy who takes for granted that
d) More linguistic indications of
the background of the Greek Latins, Romans and Sabines.
18. Apart from the
description which the Romans make about themselves, there are also linguistic
indications which clearly point to the Greek reality of the ancient Latins, Romans and Sabines. The
claim that the name
19. The Greek name
20. The name "
21) The name "
22. The
closest Latin equivalent verb is ruo, which is connected to the Greek verb reo
meaning "to flow, run, to hasten."
23. Of all the uses of
Latin verbs both active and passive there is none that even comes close to
meaning "
24. Romans, Latins and Sabines were agreed
that the name quiris (sing.) quiretes
(pl.) would be their common name which dictionaries translate as citizen. But
the Romans had a name for citizens, like the Greek, polites,
i.e. civitas. But the names quiris-quiretes
derive from the Greek name kouros-kouretes which
means young men of fighting age and therefore warriors, "young men, esp.
young warriors," Iliad 19. 193, 248.[23] So the
Romans, Latins and Sabines
called themselves first "warriors" and later "citizens."
25. It is from the
original military structure of the Roman army of quiretes
that the first government was fashioned into thirty curiae of 1000 men each
grouped into three tribes.
26. Because all three
groups of Romans, Latins and Sabines
came to
27. Of
the seven hills of Rome the Quirinal, the hill of Mars, was originally that of
the Sabines. It was from here that the Roman warriors
28. In
the Roman tradition Romulus did not die, but ascended deified to heaven without
leaving behind his body since he was or became the Quirinus,
a god of war or one of the god(s) of war.
29. These are some of
the contexts within which the Romans thought and spoke about themselves. No
historian has the right to change this. Now whether this version of Roman
history is correct or not is entirely another matter. But it remains a fact,
however, that the Romans themselves, the Latins
themselves and the Sabines themselves believed and
wanted to believe that they were Greeks. Not only this, the united Roman nation
of Romans, Latins and Sabines,
spoke their own common Greek Language.
30. The
ancient Roman race called itself by the Greek name γένος, which in Latin became gens, and by which they
identified themselves with the Greek race in general and by which they
distinguished themselves from non Greek races and nations. It was this term gens which was taken over by the Germanic races to designate
their own nobility as contrasted by their conquored
West Romans whom they reduced to slavery under the titles of vilains and serfs right up to the French Revolution in
31. However, in sharp
contrast to these serfs and vilains of 1789, the
ancestors of the middle class of 1789 were those Romans who had been escaping
from the slave camps of their Frankish Castelani
(fortress dwellers) beginning in about the 11th
century and began forming fortified towns at about the time that these castellani were in turn becoming independent of their royal
power. By about the same 11th century the king in turn began offering
protection to these independent village dwellers by installing his soldiers
within the walls of these towns quartered within a citadel, which on surviving
maps are called Frankish Quarters. The king was paid handsomely for this
protection, especially since the descendants of these Franchised (adopted
Franks and set free) villagers and their cities developed into the very wealthy
middle class which made the King of France the most wealthy
man in
e) During
the 7th century BC the Greek Latins
32. In 500 BC there
were «about fifty» Roman gens many of which numbered in
the thousands and
each one headed by a Patrician member of the senate. The gentes
memorized their laws of conduct from childhood and kept their laws a secret
among themselves in sacred books.[24] Their
slaves and dependents spoke a form of Italian which also evolved into the
Latin dialect mixed with Greek. It was these non Greek speaking dependents
33. It was because of
the violent protests of these dependents that the Romans produced a text of
laws in primitive Latin in about 450 BC. The problem was serious because these
dependents did not know the laws by which they were being punished by Roman
magistrates. Faced with the revolt of these dependents the senate sent a
delegation to
34. The origin of this
problem was that for centuries the members of Greek colonies were being
assimilated by the barbarians among whom they lived. This was solved by the
position that the gentes had to remain a pure
race so that the offerings of their priests to their gods might be heard and
that the auspices be taken correctly and correct answers received from the gods
when making decisions on legal, social and especially military matters.
35. Representing the
Plebs in this controversy, "The tribune of the Plebs, Gaius
Canuleis, proposed a bill regarding the intermarriage
of patricians and plebians which the patricians
looked upon as involving the debasement of their blood and the subversion of
the principles inhering in the gentes, or families
and a suggestion, cautiously put forward at first by the tribunes, that it
should be lawful for one of the consuls to be chosen from the plebs, was
afterwards carried so far that nine tribunes proposed a bill giving the people
power to choose consuls as they might see fit from either the plebs or the
patricians. What tremendous schemes had Gaius Canuleis set on foot! He was aiming to contaminate the gentes and throw the auspices, both public and private into
confusion, that nothing might be pure, nothing unpolluted; so that, when all
distinctions had been obliterated, no man might recognize either himself or his
kindred. For what else, they asked, was the object of promiscuous marriages, if
not that plebeians and patricians might mingle together almost like the
36. «When the consuls
had come forth to the people
and set speeches had given place to wrangling, the tribune
demanded what reason there was why a plebeian should not be chosen consul; to
whom Curtius replied, with truth perhaps, «because no
plebeian has the auspices , and that is the reason the decemvirs
have forbidden intermarriages, lest the auspices should be confounded by the
uncertain standing of those born of them.» At this the plebs fairly blazed with
indignation, because it declared that they could not take the auspices, as
though they were hated by the immortal gods… [26]»
37. That
the debate was not about the rights between rich and poor is shown by the
following joke told by Gaius Canuleis
in the same speech, "Why, pray, do you not introduce a law that there
shall be no intermarrying between rich and poor"?
38. Now some scholars
may search for sources which may prove otherwise, i.e. for some reason the
primitive Latins and Romans, who were not really
Greeks, came to believe that they are Greeks. So what? That would be like
proving that black Americans are not real Americans because they are black.
39. Rome, according to
Roman tradition, was founded by the Latin twins
40. Livy,
who wrote his history in Latin, also reports this controversy as a quarrel
between two Greek-speaking Latin States of the very same Trojan race. The third
king of
41.) Anyone can trace this
historical reality by using the indexes at the end of the original texts of
Roman history, such as Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus, both of whom give us a continuous narrative
where such names as Latins, Romans and Sabines abound. In sharp contrast to such original sources,
we have writings of contemporaries who since about 1954 have become specialist
in deliberately circumventing the original Roman sources by claiming that
archeology must be given precedence over surviving written sources.
42) One of the best examples of
such a method is to put such names as «Latium, Latins» side by side in the index and proceed on the
assumption that we have a geographical area whose original inhabitants are
unknown therefore making the use of archaeology necessary in an attempt to
uncover the series of inhabitants who occupied the area. Thus
43. But the Roman historians
themselves tell us a completely different story than the likes of scholars like
Hugh Last. Dionysius summarizes the reports of the Greek origin of the Romans
by the Romans themselves as follows: «But the most learned of the Roman
historians, among whom is Porcius Cato (who compiled
with the greatest care the ‘origins’ of the Italian cities) Gaius
Sempronius and a great many others, say that they are
Greeks, part of those who once dwelt in Achaia[34],
and that they migrated many generations before the Trojan war.[35]»
And there is nothing in Livy to contradict this as we
already seen when he describes the controversy between the Albanians and Romans
which led to destruction of
44. Finally all
Greek-speaking Latins
and Greek-speaking Sabines either joined or were
united to this Roman Nation which still ended up divided into Patrician gens and tribes of non Greek origin led by Tribunes with
the Latin language having become the main medium of Roman legislation.
45. When we move from
the 7th century BC to the middle of the 5th century BC we
see «…the Plebes were being stirred up again by their tribunes who were
claiming that the best political institutions for free men is equal freedom of
Speech (ισηγορία) by which they demanded that all affairs both private and public should
carried on according to laws. For at that time there did not exist as yet among
the Romans an equality of laws or rights, nor were were
all their priniciples of Justice committed to
writing.’’ This led to the adoption of the Code of the Twelve Tables already
covered. This also led tadition that the legisation being done in common by the Consuls of the
Patricians and by the Tribunes of the Plebs was done mostly in Latin and the common
debates were conducted in Latin evidently the Greek language having become the
private domain of the gentes. However, when the Latin
speaking were had become proficient in Greek then Greek visitors began
addressing the Roman assembly in Greek. Indeed when the Social Wars began k) The Frankish Papacy of 1046 and
Norman Britain of 1066.
f) The
49. Between
330 and 1453 Constantinople New Rome was the Capital of the Roman Empire
and then continued to be, with same name, that of the Ottoman Empire. She was never
the capital of any
50. This
Protocol makes a clear distinction between Greeks and Hellenes,[45] although
historically they mean the same peoples, the first being the Latin term and the
second term being the Greek term for the same reality. However, in this
Protocol the Greeks are those who have been calling themselves Romans in their
native languages, in spite of Charlemagne's lie of 794, and the Hellenes are
those who are becoming the citizens of the New Hellenic State invented by the
British, French and Russians as a result of their so-called Hellenic Revolution
against the Ottoman Empire. In the Greek language this revolution began as a
Roman revolution and ended up as a Hellenic Revolution as planned from the very
beginning by these British, French and Russians who maneuvered the guides of
this revolution to accept the lie that the Greeks had revolted not only against
the Turks, but also against their Roman selves and their own former Roman Empire which fell to the
Ottomans in 1453. But such a so-called
reality would reveal itself for the lie that it is, and provoke laughter, if
one would claim that Hellenes had revolted against Greeks and had liberated
themselves from a former Greek Empire, now replaced by an
Indications of a plan for a Roman Revolution which became Hellenic.
51. As the
French Revolution was in its infant stages the "Decline and Fall of the
52. In 1806 Napoleon met with Tsar Alexander I
at Tilsit. Floating on a raft they made secret plans.
Evidently one of them was to transform the planned Roman Revolution within the
i) In any case the joke is on the liars.
53. The primitive Latins and Romans of
Latium, as the reader has already seen, were a union
of such Greek speaking tribes as Pelasgians,
Aborigines, Sabines and Trojans. This is the football
we are passing on to the specialists in Roman, Greek and so-called Byzantine
History to play around with. In other words Charlemagne decided in 794 to call
Francia plus
54. We do
not use the names Romans and Franks racially and linguistically as had been done by the first
Greek-speaking Albanian and Roman Latins and by the
Merovingian and Carolingian Franks. We use the term Romans and Franks in terms
of common citizenship as had happened when the non-Greek Italians were made
Romans in 212 AD, as we had already noted. Also we use the name Franks for the
mostly Teutonic tribes who conquered the West Romans and especially their
ruling nobility. One sees the remains of this structure in the British Parlement still composed of the House of Lords and the
House of Commons.
55. Thus we
include the following under the name Roman: 1) All East Romans who were called
Greeks by the Germanic conquerors of Western Europe because of Charlemange's Lie of 794, as already explained, and who still call themselves
"Romans" or "Romios" in Greek and
"Rum" in Arabic and Turkish until today. 2) The descendants of the
Romans are also the "non noble" inhabitants of
k) The cure
of fantasies is the sine quo non of
such a social reality.
[1] Modified
[2] Modified again 2/99
[3] Dionysius of
[4] Romans under Arab rule but whose tribal chief was the Roman Emperor in Constantinople New Rome and recognized as such by the Arab kingdoms and later by the Turks who after the fall of New Rome was replaced by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople New Rome.
[5] The following Italici populi rebelled in 91 BC: Picentes, Vestini, Marsi, Paeligini, Marrucini, Samnites and Lucani and were granted citizenship in 87 B.C of whom only the Samnites alone took up arms again. Livy, AUC, lXXX. In 90 tin hey defeated Consul Lucius Julius Caesar and were defeated by him (LXXXXXIII). They were defeated again by L. Cornelius Sulla in 89, by Cosconius and Lucanus in 87 etc. In all the Romans fought three major wars against these people. See Dionysius Halicarnassus, RA, XV, First Samnite War was in defense of Campanian Greeks iii, 1ff. maltreated by dirt poor Roman soldiers appointed to protect them from the Samnites. Second Samnite War Ibid, XV, vii-XVI, I-ii, (4). Third Samnite War Ibid, XVII –XVII.
[6] The following Italici populi rebelled in 91 BC: Picentes, Vestini, Marsi, Paeligini, Marrucini, Samnites and Lucani and were granted citizenship in 87 B.C of whom only the Samnites alone took up arms again. Livy, AUC, lXXX. In 90 tin hey defeated Consul Lucius Julius Caesar and were defeated by him (LXXXXXIII). They were defeated again by L. Cornelius Sulla in 89, by Cosconius and Lucanus in 87 etc. In all the Romans fought three major wars against these people. See Dionysius Halicarnassus, RA, XV, First Samnite War was in defense of Campanian Greeks iii, 1ff. maltreated by dirt poor Roman soldiers appointed to protect them from the Samnites. Second Samnite War Ibid, XV, vii-XVI, I-ii, (4). Third Samnite War Ibid, XVII –XVII.
[7] Institutio Oratoria, 1, 6, 31
[9] Plutarch's Lives, Romulus, XVI, "Now the Sabines were a numerous and war like people, and dwelt in unwalled villages, thinking that it behooved them, since they were Lacedaemonian colonists, to be bold and fearless."
[10] John S. Romanides, "Franks, Romans, Feudalism and Doctrine," Holy Cross Orthodox Press 1981, p. 18.
[11] Could refer to anything in the preceding pages 1-30.
[12] M. Cary, A History of
[13] Evidently called "the original dwellers" by those who arrived later in the area of what became known as the seven hills of Rome which area had been uninhabitable because volcanic.
[14] "But the most learned of Roman historians, among whom is Porcius Cato, who compiled with the greatest care the genealogies of the Italian cities, Gaius Semporonis and many others, say they are Greeks, part of those who once dwelt in Achaia, and migrated many generations before the Trojan war." as quoted by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities, I, XI. It is in the light of this that we read Livy's remarks about the Aborigines in his "From the Founding of the City," I, 5-II, 6.
[15] Dionysius, Ibid I, xvii-xxx, 5.
[16] Plutarch's Lives,
[17] Dionysius of
[18] In preparation for the convocation of representatives of the clerical
and lay nobility and of the middle class the king ordered a counting of the
total population of about 26,000,000 which resulted in the following breakdown:
nobility 2%, middle class 13% and villains and serfs 85%. For these population figures see the edition
of Germaine de Staël's book, Considérations sur La Révolution Française, par Tallandier, Paris 1881, p. 610. Jacques Godechot
who prepared the reedition of this book cites J. Dupaquier, La
population français aux XVIIe et XVIIIe
siècles, Paris (Que sais-je?) 1979. Madame de Staël (1766-1817) was the daughter of Louis XVI's Finance Minister Jacques Necker
(1732-1804). This total is also taken
[19] Just quoted.
[20] H. G. Liddell and R. Scot, "Greek-English
Lexicon," at name "
[21] Ibid, at verb "roomai."
[22] Ibid, at verb "ronnyni."
[23] Ibid, at name "kouretes."
[24] Diosysius, RA X.I-IV. Livy, AUC III. IX-XI. 459 BC
[25] Livy, Ibid, IV, 1ff.
[26] Livy, Ibid, IV, vi.1-3
[27] The quoted source used by Livy calls both leaders kings. I, XXII
[28] A Greek race but not a pure one.
[29] In the year 459BC Dionysius of
ix-x, 5-
[30] The first town built by the Trojan refugees under
Aeneas with permission from Latinus,
King of the Arcadian Aborigines. Livy, AUC, I.i.1-6.
[31] Livy, AUC, I, xxiii, 1-2.
[32] Livy, AUC, I, xxiv ff.
[33] Livy, AUC, I, xxx, 2. Julii, Servilii, Quinctii, Geganii, Curiatii, and Cloelii. Dionysius, RA, III, xxix,7. Ιουλίους,
and Γερανίους.
[35] Dionysius, RA, I, xi, 1ff.
[36] See footnote 11.
[37] John S. Romanides, «Franks, Romans, Feudalism and Doctrine, an interplay between Theology and Society, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1981, pp.20-32.
[38] For documented sources of the details of the murder of the Celtic and Saxon Bishops and abbots and their replacement by nobles from the Frankish realms of Francia, i.e. Gallia, Germania and Italia see Auguste Thierry, Histoire de la Conquête de l' Angleterre par les Normands, Paris 1843, vol. 2, pp. 147 (1071-1072), 215-219 (1075-1076), 284, 313-314, 318 (1087-1094); vol. 3, pp. 35 (1110-1138), 214-215 (1203 ).
[39] Ibid. voI. 2, pp. 55;' 66 (1068 ) 111,145,184 (1070-1072 ), 215 (1075-1076), 240-242 (1082), 313-316 (1088-1089); vol. 3, pp. 35, 44, 47 (1110-1140).
[40] Ibid.; vol. 2, pp. 232, 236 (1080); vol. 3; pp. 27, 36-37; 39 (1110-1138), 55 (1141-1142); vol. 4, p. 349 (1387).
[41] Ibid., vol, 2, p. 315. Robin Hood led a phase of this revolution until he was recognized by Norman nuns who let him bleed to death while curing him by bloodletting.
[42] 1189-1194. Accuse des ballades qui nous ont été conservées ne raconte la
mort de Robin Hood; la tradition vulgaire est qu’il périt dans un convent de
femmes; où un jour, se sentant malade, il était allé demander des secours. On
devait lui tirer du sang, et la nonne qui savait faire cette opération, ayant
reconnu Robin Hood, la pratiqua sur lui de manière à
le tuer. (Percy’s Reliquides of ancient english poetry, vol. I, p.198, 6e cdd.)
Ce récit, qu’on ne peut ni affirmer ni contester, est
assez conforme aux moeurs du XIIe siècle; beaucoup de
femmes dans les riches monastères, s’ occupaient alors
à étudier la médicine, et à composer des remèdes qu’elles offraient
gratuitement aux pauvres. De plus, en Angleterre, depuis la conquête, les
supérieures des abbayes et la plus grande partie des religieuses étaient d’ extraction normande, ainsi que le prouvent leurs statuts,
rédigés en vieux francais (Regula
monialium Beatae Mariae de Sopwell, in auctuario, additamentor, ad Matth. Paris, t I,p. 261) : cette
circonstance explique peut-être comment le chef des bandits saxons, que les
ordonnances royals avait mis hors la loi, trouva des
ennemis dans le couvent où il était allé chercher assistance. Après sa mort, la
troupe dont il était le chef et l’âme se dispersa; et Petit-Jean,
son fidèle compagnon, désespérant de se maintenir en Angleterre, et poussé par
l’envie de continuer la guerre contre les Normands, se rendit en Irlande, où il
prit part aux révoltes des indigènes Ainsi fut dissoute la dernière troupe de
brigands anglais qui ait eu un objet et un caractère politique, et qui mèrite par là une mention dans l’histoire.
[43] Migne, P. L.182, .921-940.
[44] As summarized in
The History of Feudalism, edited by David Herlihy,
1970, p. 282-283.
[45] The text is
as follows: "Toujours entendu que, seront considérés dès-à-présent commes Hellènes,
et prendront rang dans la catégorie de ceux qui profiteront du droit
d'émigration:-1)Tous les Grecs natifs du Territoire Ottoman, qui ont
émigré avant le 16 Juin, 1830, et qui ne sont pas retourné en Turqie pour s'y établir: 2) Les Grecs à qui le droit
d'émigration a été accordé par le Protocole du 16 Juin, 1830, et qui ont émigré
entre la date du dit Protocole et le 9 Decembre,
1835, jour où la Carte de la frontierè a été remise à
la Porte; pourvu toujours qu'ils aient rempli les conditions requises à cet
égard par le présent Acte." State
Papers 1836-1837, The Foreign Office, vol. 25, p. 792.
[46] C. M. Woodhouse, "Modern
[47] See footnote 11.
[48] It is to be noted that the British historians used
their reputation as excellent scholars to distort history. For example they
call the citizens of modern